“Research lies in Commitment
Ideas Follow”

Companies are always in the race to develop and sell high-quality and cost-competitive products for themselves and others with a final aim to acquire a profitable and market-leading status but are subjected to the fast, ever-changing and ever-growing dynamics of the world of the Organic Chemistry industry and its various branches . Even though India is one of the top 6 producers of organic chemicals worldwide, it is seen that process Research and Development in the field of Organic Chemicals is still lacking in requisite growth.
To address such issues that are faced by various Companies, the requirement for a trustworthy process Research & Development partner was critical. In order to address this scarcity SARA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTER PVT LTD was established in the year 1993 by its Founder and Managing Director with the intention of offering cost-effective and novel Process Research & Development consulting services to its clients having presence in various branches of organic chemistry based out of India and other nations across the globe.
In order to further assist its clients in overcoming scale-up and commercialization challenges and shorten the time between lab development to commercial production, SARA built its in house one-of-a-kind and cutting-edge Plant in 2004. In 2018, SARA further expanded its business to include the production of Specialty Chemicals and Performance Chemicals requiring the use of highly sophisticated and complex processes.